„Ways out of the bottleneck“

Opening up new dimensions

Act now and actively bring in decisive technological leaps using state-of-the-art engineering – that is how completely new dimensions are opened up in the manufacturing world. When this is done, users benefit not only from greater efficiency and productivity. More importantly, they gain the flexibility and speed that will be vital in the competitive environment of the future. And anyone who takes advantage of technologies and solutions from Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik is already in a position to make the decisive step forward.

Self-flying, fully electric passenger-carrying drones could revolutionize urban mobility and solve today’s traffic problems at a stroke. Even though this type of mobility will only be available in the future, it nevertheless demonstrates the enormous potential offered by digitalization, in combination with artificial intelligence and big data. And at the economic level, it is becoming ever more important to open up these potentials, in particular with regard to networked production in accordance with the Industry 4.0 principle. For example, a current study by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) expects additional economic growth of approximately 53 billion euros as a result of Industry 4.0 by 2020 and the planned economic investments in Industry 4.0 applications in Germany amount to 40 million euros a year over the next two years.

Digitalization is moving on apace

These figures show that digitalization is moving on apace and is of vital importance for industry and technology. Ultimately, digitalization will open up new ways for companies to differentiate themselves even more strongly in the global market in ways no other technology can. Against this background, it is vitally important for company management to get to grips right now with the issues of digitalization, process optimization and transparency in order to be successful and remain competitive in the long term. According to Mathias Bihler: “The important thing is to recognize which benefits of digitalization are of value for your own company, define the corresponding possibilities and then apply these in practice. And companies will be all the more successful, the more they combine their core competencies with digitalization.” This will also bring about an increase in transparency which, for example, will make it possible to recognize wastage and inefficiencies. Improvements and optimizations made with these aims in mind can make a valuable contribution to further enhancing a company’s market differentiation.

Act now

It is vitally important to act now and actively invest in the potentials of the available technologies in order to usher in the decisive technological leap. And any company that places its confidence in solutions and technologies from Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik is making the very best of investments. Because all Bihler users are making the decisive step forward and boosting their long-term performance and competitiveness. In this way, they can achieve considerable improvements to existing products and components and are also ideally equipped for the future. And in the future, ordering behaviors and the rhythms of the large industries will play an ever more important role. The path will increasingly lead away from warehousing and toward requirements-oriented performance provision. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important to deliver quickly and reliably. “Every system and every item of production equipment must be able to manufacture parts at short notice in the required quality and ready for immediate delivery – without time-intensive intermediate steps and warehousing,” continues Bihler. Against this backdrop, it is particularly important to act without delay and invest in Bihler’s technologies right now in order to actively lay the foundations for future success. The great dynamism of the times and the changes taking place in the markets make this absolutely essential and mean that wait-and-see or reactive attitudes are no longer acceptable.

Custom solutions

Bihler supports this approach on the part of its customers in a number of ways. Thus, end-to--end solutions can be supplied, for example in the form, of a fully-featured GRM-NC or RM-NC system. These are individually configured to meet the customer’s requirements and are therefore designed to provide the best possible productivity and quality. At the same time, Bihler allows its customers to use specific machine units or segments rather than complete systems. This possibility could, for example, involve the machine body of a BIMERIC, which is then complemented and extended jointly by Bihler and the customer through the addition of individual stations and process units that are configured for the specific application in question. Last but not least, users can also benefit from single modules. One of these is, for example, Bihler’s “Bihlerplanning” WebApp, which provides valuable support during component planning, as well as the Bihler Leantool system, which can be used for the extremely simple, fast and economical manufacture of new tools.

Profitable in many ways

For any user, the investment in new Bihler technology pays for itself in many ways and will continue to do so in the long term. This is because this technology not only ensures increased product quality and reduced waste. More than this, a Bihler solution also permits a significant increase in cycle times and therefore the company’s own performance capacities. In addition, it provides the precision, flexibility and production reliability that clearly differentiate users from their competitors. And last but not least, the new Bihler systems are fully networkable and provide the ideal basis for digitalized production thanks to their efficiency-boosting analysis and monitoring functions. Another important plus point: The existing, proven tools can be transferred without problems to the new Bihler technologies and systems, where they can continue to manufacture even more effectively and competitively. What is more, modern, state-of-the-art technologies, such as Bihler’s servo-controlled solutions, send out a powerful message, in particular to younger employees. These young people now far prefer to live and work in the digital environment with modern technology than with mechanical systems, which they often consider to be dated and a thing of the past. As a result, investments in Bihler technology pay for themselves not only at the level of manufacturing efficiency but also in ensuring the presence of a qualified workforce for the future.

Expertise included

Irrespective of which Bihler technology the customer invests in: Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik supports its customers from initial planning through to commissioning – and of course also beyond this. And anyone who acquires a Bihler system or Bihler technology also receives all the expertise needed in order to get the very best from their investment. This is provided, in particular, by the training courses and modules provided at Bihler’s premises in Halblech and Füssen. Here, all the customer’s employees learn all the skills they need to manufacture successfully on a day-to-day basis. Overall, Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik provides the best possible basis for making a genuine technological leap and raising each company’s own performance and competitiveness to a new level of success.


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