The effective way to manufacturing concepts and tool design
The modular Bihler bNX technology software provides optimum support for the virtual modelling of your products as well as the development and design of Bihler stamping and forming tools.
With this globally unique solution for system engineering and tool design, you benefit from shortest development times, significantly lower development costs, optimized products with higher quality and reliable tools with higher output rates. In addition to the fully integrated Bihler Technology Software, bNX also contains the basic software modules of Siemens NX for optimum, market oriented design. The software allows you to quickly adapt to changing product or production requirements – for instance with the consistent templates for our modular LEANTOOL tool kit.

bNX Software Products
Implement new tools easier, faster and cheaper
The Bihler bNX Software is based on the Siemens NX 3D-CAD system. With the powerful features of this system, you handle demanding assemblies effectively and quickly create complex designs.
The fully integrated Bihler software provides unparalleled support when designing tools both for Bihler machines as well as for progressive presses. Forming studies are created quickly and easily and used to generate the resulting strip layout. Create the 3D geometry and kinematics of your machine and tools using the provided 3D standard parts. Simulate all movements of your entire Bihler system in 3D. Then optimize the motion sequences and derive the required curve profiles or NC programs for the actual machine.
Your benefit: Significantly reduced development times as well as reliable tools with maximum cycle rates.

Optimum motion sequences for your Bihler machines
The Kinematics Express software is a CAD-independent solution for the virtual design of motion sequences for cam-controlled and NC-controlled Bihler machines.
Quickly and easily define all your machine movements in relation to each other. The result are optimized motion profiles that can be output as easy-to-use contours in DXF or DWG format to create cams for mechanical machines. When using NC-controlled machines, the generated NC programs are transferred directly to the Bihler VC 1 control system.
Your benefit: With this easy-to-use software application, you quickly and reliably determine the optimum motion sequences for your Bihler machines independent of a CAD system, considering different motion laws and overlaps.

Library with precise geometries of your machine
The Bihler 3D machine components program provides you with the 3D geometries of your Bihler machine in the formats STEP, DXF and Siemens NX in a library.
This allows you to integrate the Bihler machine in your CAD system during design and construction of your tools.
Your benefit is the availability of precise geometries of your Bihler machine in your preferred CAD environment.


Peter Bertling Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik Tel.: +49(0)8368/18-232 |