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In the news section, you will find up-to-date information about our company, our trade fair appearances and the latest products and services. In the technical articles and user reports, you can find out how our customers from a wide range of industries use Bihler technology to produce successfully and secure their future.
Find out more and be inspired.
News from the Bihler world
Mastering challenges with Bihler Technology
At the third Bihler Forum Scandinavia, you will learn at first-hand how Bihler Technology can best prepare your production of metal parts and assemblies for future challenges. We cordially invite you to the headquarters of Axelent AB in Hillerstorp on 25.03.2025.
In compact technical presentations we will present you:
- how you can produce more material-efficiently and sustainably with Bihler Technology
- how our digital services bring more added value to your production
- and how you can optimize your production environment with machine and control modernizations.
An intensive exchange of experiences with our experts is offered by the concluding discussion round. Simply register by 01.04.2025 (free of charge) in the online form.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Your Bihler team

Future-oriented training
Halblech, 17.03.2025 - The new training program for the 4th and 5th grades at ITIS Pietro Paleocapa in Bergamo was recently launched. The Bihler technology software bNX is used to prepare students for their professional future in a practice-oriented way.
On February 11, 2025, the Italian companies PentaP s.r.l., Ecotre Valente Srl. and Lovato Electric SpA presented the new training series. This offers students concrete tools to prepare themselves for the world of work and CAD-CAE design using the most advanced software tools. PentaP experts train students directly in the practical application of the Bihler CAD system bNX. This enables them to enter the world of high-precision mechanics used in the cold forming of metal. The focus is on the design process of a system (Bihler) that is suitable for production.
From the design to the finished tool
Practice-oriented topics are taught over a total of eight different days. From design to the finished tool, students learn how tools for Bihler machines are created. They also have the opportunity to experience Bihler machines in practice during visits to local companies. Fausto Papini (PentaP) is responsible for running the program. The topics were developed in close consultation with Bihler in order to ensure targeted and practical training.
“The targeted training of young people in stamping and forming technology is an important step towards the future. This training not only promotes the professional skills of the new generation, but also strengthens the competitiveness of companies in northern Italy,” says Peter Bertling, Head of CAx Consulting & Sales.
Into the future with Bihler technology
At the Bihler Forum UK, you will learn at first-hand how Bihler technology can best prepare your production for future challenges. We cordially invite you to the British Motor Museum in Gaydon on 25.03.2025.
In compact technical presentations we will present you:
- how you can produce more material-efficiently and sustainably with Bihler Technology
- how our digital services bring more added value to your production
- and how you can optimize your production environment with machine and control modernizations.
An intensive exchange of experiences with our experts is offered by the concluding discussion round. Simply register by 15.03.2025 (free of charge) in the online form.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Your Bihler team

1st International Bihler SKI CUP
Halblech, 20.02.2025 - The winter landscape was covered in fresh snow, Neuschwanstein Castle sparkled in the first sunlight and temperatures were well below freezing. The conditions were perfect for the 1st International Bihler Ski Cup 2025 on February 15.
A total of 64 ski enthusiasts had registered for the Ski Cup. Divided into 16 teams - six Bihler teams and 10 customer/partner teams from northern Germany and Austria, among others - battled for victory on the challenging parallel slalom course. In the end, the winner of the challenge cup was the “ept GmbH” team from Buching. The title of fastest team went to “Bihler One”. The perfect end to the event was the après-ski in a rustic mountain hut. Here, all the teams, partners and customers came together once again in a convivial atmosphere.
Use Bihler’s digital technology
Halblech, 15.01.2025 - Schnöring GmbH has recently started using three type-MC 42 and MC 82 Multicenters to manufacture assemblies for GIRA sockets.
This long-standing company uses a virtual animation of the new production solution for targeted demonstrations and training activities. The animation illustrates every detail of the entire, highly-complex process chain, which not only achieves the desired 50 percent increase in throughput but also ensures that Schnöring is able to deliver particularly high-quality ground connectors and Schuko contacts.
Customer Support Campaigns 2024 - EXTENDED
Halblech, 12.11.2024 - With the current economic conditions you may experience lower production requirements, it makes sense to address and implement service issues. Our experienced Customer Support team is here to help you and give your production a productivity boost.
With our broad portfolio of services and support as well as our innovative digital products, we ensure that you can manufacture efficiently every day. At the same time, we ensure that your employees make the best possible use of the high-quality Bihler equipment and that you can adapt your production to new tasks at any time.
Benefit from our exclusive offers until 20.12.2024.
Contact us. We will be happy to advise you.
Yours, Markus Schnöll
(Vice President Sales & Marketing)
Stamping and forming industry in Dortmund
Halblech, 17.10.2024 - A new LM 2000-KT shone in the spotlight. Digital twins and 3D animations lit up the flat screens. And standardized tool modules set themselves up “live” almost as if by themselves.
There was a lot to see and marvel at for the 120 participants at the Dortmund stamping and forming forum at the Kokerei Hansa on October 16. The concept of the event was completely redesigned compared to previous forums. In addition to four specialist presentations, this time the focus was on a knowledge marketplace with four interactive stations. At these, Bihler experts presented exciting topics relating to Bihler technology in 30-minute live demo sessions.
Interactive knowledge marketplace
At Station 1, customers were able to experience the benefits of modular, standardized machine and tool technology for the “plug & produce” production of their precision components directly on the LM 2000-KT. At the second station, the Customer Support specialists showed how Bihler connects the physical and digital worlds to fully exploit potential in production. At station 3, customers learned how a GRM 50 was modernized to make it fit for new tasks.
And at the fourth station, the experts demonstrated how punching tools can be optimized for longer service lives, further increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of Bihler systems.
A look into the future
The afternoon continued with a few breaks and a specialist presentation on “New dimensions of feasibility in the field of resistance welding with high-quality Bihler hardware and software”. Looking into the future, a second presentation showed trade visitors what next-generation Bihler tools will look like and how much intelligence future Bihler machines can contain. A final hybrid presentation, in which the advantages of module set-up were demonstrated both “live” on the machine and simultaneously on the big screen, rounded off the technology section.
Numerous co-exhibitors
A special highlight was the performance of the Bihler brass band, whose Bavarian sounds made for a pleasant networking event. Co-exhibitors at the very successful event included Meusburger, Wieland, Ceratizit, Raziol, the Association of the German Spring Industry, Expertise Sauerland and the IFU Institute for Forming Technology for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
More productive and material-efficient manufacturing
Halblech, - You can now manufacture your precision stamped and formed parts and assemblies even more productively and material-efficiently. We offer you intelligent automation solutions that combine the strengths of stamping and forming technology with the possibilities of the digital world.
Stop by our stand A-24 in hall GS and find out about our latest machine, tool and control technology. Be inspired by our smart digital products and their benefits for your production.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Your Bihler team
Bihler Digital - Connecting Possibilities
Halblech, 25.04.2024 - Market and customer requirements are changing rapidly. The digital transformation helps to master the tasks ahead. The focus is on the digital networking of products, machines, people, and processes and thus on cross-system data availability in real time.
Bihler offers you intelligent automation solutions and smart products to provide you with the best possible support for all these requirements. Bihler combines the real world of stamping and forming technology with the digital world. With "Bihler Digital" and its digital services for the three areas of engineering, production and training/support, you simply develop faster, manufacture even more efficiently and save valuable resources.
Precision Meets Performance
Halblech, 29.02.2024 - As automotive OEMs push to introduce electric vehicles, the need to produce components such as busbars, switches, hairpins, etc in volumes has increased.
Profit from Bihler’s decade-long experience in component and assembly production for the automotive industry and many other sectors. Bihler automation solutions deliver faster production speeds, high OEE, low manual intervention, and fast change over times.
Our UK and Ireland representative M.I. Automation along with our experienced staff will be on hand to discuss the solutions being showcased at MACH 2024 and to discuss with you, how Bihler can support your company's future growth, development and aspirations.
We warmly invite you to our stand 6-579 at MACH and look forward to welcoming you there.
Watch the video with our partner Complete Tooling Solutions
Intelligent removal of isolation from hairpins
Halblech, 26.01.2024 - Thanks to a new process, Bihler is making the removal of isolation from hairpins even more reliable and efficient.
The solution centers around the innovative sensor unit, which continuously measures the enameled copper wire. The downstream isolation removal station then uses this data to strip the isolation from each hairpin individually and with the utmost precision – with minimum loss of cross-section and in a way that ensures pure metal surfaces.
Bihler celebrates 70th anniversary
Halblech, 24.10.2023 - Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik celebrated its 70th anniversary last week with 350 invited guests from Germany and abroad under the motto "Common beat".
The royal ambience of the Festspielhaus Neuschwanstein provided the perfect setting for the gala event. In his speech, company boss Mathias Bihler expressed his heartfelt thanks to all customers and partners for their cooperation, some of which has lasted for decades, and invited everyone to celebrate this together in a fitting manner. At festively laid tables, culinary specialties and delicious drinks left nothing to be desired.
Rousing show interludes
The supporting program with rousing show interludes took everyone on a journey together, looking back to the beginnings of the company, experiencing groundbreaking innovations and taking an exciting look into the future. One of the highlights was a late evening performance by the "Bihler Choir", which gave an atmospheric rendition of the Bihler song composed especially for the anniversary. As part of the anniversary celebrations, over 150 guests also visited the plants in Halblech and Füssen.
TechDay at Dräxlmaier
Halblech, 26.07.2023 - At the TechDay on 17.07.2023 at Dräxlmaier in Vilsbiburg, the participants experienced a concentrated load of high-tech.
In six technical presentations, the Bihler team presented the latest developments and trends. These covered the benefits of standardization in stamping and forming technology, the exploitation of value-added potential with Bihler technology, the integration of various welding processes into manufacturing solutions, and the comprehensive support & service for Bihler users. In their presentations, the speakers from automotive supplier Dräxlmaier highlighted their requirements for a machine and system supplier. In addition, they offered an outlook on the future of their company.
Intensive knowledge transfer
There were information stands for all the main topics of the presentations, where an intensive exchange of knowledge took place during the breaks. CMC Engineers was also present and provided insights into the digital Bihler world. "For Bihler, it was a premiere to hold a TechDay of this intensity at a customer's premises," sums up Martin Lehmann. "We are already drawing a very positive balance and are trying to win over further customers for events of this kind."
Virtual commissioning of Bihler plants
Halblech, 14.06.2023 - Bihler creates digital twins of complex manufacturing solutions and commissions the entire system virtually in advance. This allows the machine to be configured optimally, increases the quality of the software and ensures fast, smooth initial commissioning and optimization of the production system.
Bihler creates a digital twin of all its high-tech manufacturing solutions, such as the BIMERIC servo production and assembly system, creating a virtual image of the entire manufacturing process. This permits the virtual commissioning of the machine long before the start of productive assembly. Virtual commissioning provides valuable insights throughout the entire life cycle. It allows a wide variety of production processes to be run through and tested in their entirety. Malfunctions and sources of error are thus quickly revealed and can be eliminated as early as the design phase. Virtual commissioning thus makes real commissioning far easier and ensures problem-free assembly.”
One platform, two technologies
Halblech, 01.11.2022 - The LM 2000 platform is the latest addition to Bihler's portfolio of stamping and forming machines. The machine platform is available in two variants, the LM 2000-KT and the LM 2000-NC.
These two machines are state-of-the-art, linear machine tools that use cams or servo units in the production of stamped or formed parts from strip material. The LM 2000-KT is designed for use in medium- and large-size batches, while the LM 2000-NC is intended for use in small- and medium-sized batches. Where classic mechanical stamping and forming machines are limited to the use of only individual tools, the LM 2000-KT and the LM 2000-NC are fully tool-compatible with standard linear tools - such as LEANTOOL Linear - or with parts from LEANTOOL Linear, or with the user's linear tool standard.
In accordance with the ‘plug & produce’ concept, you can simply transfer your stamping and forming tool - one-for-one - and can then immediately continue production. The machines offer cycle rates of up to 500 1/min., and with a total machining length of 2,000mm on the machine plate enabling fast setup and rapid changeover, you will realize maximum added value in your production activities.
New Bihler Modular Series - Plug & Produce
Halblech, 01.11.2022 - The new Bihler Modular Series helps you to master the ever-increasing demands inherent in production activities. The Modular Series offers five of the latest generation of highly standardized machine types.
All of the machines are equipped with uniform interfaces in the forming areas, and as a result, they are fully compatible with one another in terms of the linear stamping and forming tools that are used. That compatibility adheres to the "plug & produce" principle, and provides you with machine-independent use of each of the tools - thereby significantly reducing the variety of solutions and machines you would need. If your production requirements should change, either in terms of batch size, or in terms of further processing steps, you have the ability, at any time to reuse, transfer, or adapt the forming tools between the five machines.
The flexibility of the machines represents an opportunity for an enormous savings in terms of production planning effort. It also provides a stable basis for more efficient job planning, and it enables you to utilize your machinery to full capacity. In addition, a uniform design guideline enables you to develop any necessary forming tools - quickly and easily - and independently from the machine itself.
Brochure - "Modular Series"
Plug & Produce - consistent, modular and compatible
Efficient automation solutions for e-components
Halblech, 09.11.2021 - Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik has been offering modular platforms and technologies for the production of e-components for central components in the drive, battery and power supply to the market for many years.
These include automated solutions for battery cell and module connectors completely mounted in carrier frames, ZSB circuits in hybrid motors, shielding sleeves for charging plugs, conductor rails and bus bars for power distribution and hairpins, connection pins and I-pins for stators. Hairpin technology in particular enables the type-flexible mass production of drive motors for electric vehicles in cycle times similar to those of a combustion engine. The use of hairpin-shaped coil segments and a high degree of automation makes it possible to manufacture high-quality stators.
The new White Paper "Electromobility" will explain:
- How hairpins can be manufactured flexibly and economically using Bihler servo technology.
- The competitive advantages offered by standardized and modular machine and tool technology in the production of e-components (shielding sleeves, bus bars).
Here you can download the White Paper free of charge.
Modernize your machinery!
Halblech, 21.01.2021 – Upgrade your existing Bihler machines for new tasks. With the cost-effective BC R Retrofit package, this can now be done quickly and easily in three steps:
- We deliver the required machine components to your site.
- Service technicians will then retrofit your machine and install the BC R control system.
- Commissioning and approval.
Time required for the entire process: approximately one week!
The advantages of doing the retrofit: The machine is up to date, with full spare parts support, and as an option, network-capability for the digital age.

A passion for Bihler technology
On September 21-22th Swedish and Danish Bihler technicians met for a reunion in Denmark. The eight men are managers, tool designers and tool makers with an overall experience of more than 300 years in Bihler technology.
They have come together regularly every year since 2003, one year after their mentor Fini Malmros so tragically passed away. All of them have a background at Lesjöfors Fjäder AB. Today some of the members are at Lesjöfors and others are in other businesses, but still, with connections to Bihler. The team thanks Roland Nielsen for hosting them in Denmark.
Front row: Guiseppe Campora Denmark, Mr. Finn Rasmussen Denmark and Mr. Jonny Andersson Sweden.
Rear row: Mr. Roland Nielsen Denmark, Mr. Bjarne Petersen Denmark, Mr. Stig Nord Sweden, Mr. John Sörensen Denmark, Mr. Bengt Persson Sweden.
Bihler runner-up at the Best of Industry Award
Halblech, 03.07.2019 – Bihler took second place in the Best of Industry Award in the metal forming category for its newly developed LEANTOOL system.
This time, a total of 31 companies from eleven categories were put forward for the vote with their innovative products and solutions. The decision was made by a jury of experts from industry and research and the trade editors of "MM Maschinenmarkt", as well as more than 17,500 private voters, each with a 50 percent share.
The jury of experts and the Bihler voters were impressed by the many advantages of the standardized modular tool system. With the LEANTOOL system, users can now realize their new tools for stamped and formed parts from strip material more easily, twice as quickly and up to 50 percent more cost-effectively. In conjunction with the GRM-NC automatic servo stamping and forming machine, they benefit from very fast "time to market" and highly flexible production.
Image (from left: Oliver Barthel (MM Publisher), Christoph Schäfer, Marc Walter, Mathias Bihler (Managing Director), Pedro Gato López
Supplier Innovation Award for Bihler and Schürholz
Halblech, April 29th, 2019 – At this year's Brose Technology Days in April, Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG and Schürholz GmbH received the Brose Supplier Innovation Award.
The two companies received this award from the world's fourth-largest automotive supplier in recognition of their outstanding innovative achievements and excellent cooperation. Together with Brose, Bihler and Schürholz developed a pioneering production technology for manufacturing housings for actuation motors. Bihler's modular BIMERIC servo system served as the platform for a wide variety of machining and assembly processes such as stamping, bending, laser welding and the patented joining of covers and housings. The innovative combination of these processes has led to cost reduction, material saving and weight reduction.
Mathias Bihler, Managing Partner at Bihler, emphasizes: “The award highlights the great innovative strength of the Old Economy in mastering essential issues such as material efficiency”.

Vinzenz Hörmann
Press officer
Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik
GmbH & Co. KG
Lechbrucker Str. 15
87642 Halblech
Tel.: +49(0)8368/18-280
E-mail: vinzenz.hoermann@bihler.de